Growing up I was that kid that came home from school to chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven, still warm to the touch. Or the smell of chocolate brownies still baking in the oven. Patiently waiting to steal the middle brownie. Homemade meals every night for dinner was expected, not requested. Made from scratch strawberry shortcake for dessert was normal. My mom was a stay at home mom with six kids. So maybe it was more financially sound to eat at home or maybe it was the love for cooking my mom had. Either way, I grew up on homemade food and I took it for granted. I thought all this delicious food was normal, I thought it was the easy way out.
Fast forward to the first time I moved out on my own, I quickly realized the importance of food. I found myself searching for recipes for every single meal of the week. Then, I found myself right back at my parents asking if I could look through my mom’s recipe book to take some back home with me. I grabbed the “easy” recipes as I had never really cooked before. As I mastered those, I returned for more recipes. Over time, I have continued to collect my mom’s recipes and pass those homemade meals I grew up on, onto my family.
As I began to get more comfortable with cooking, my love for it grew. I found myself always finding new recipes on Pinterest to try for friends and family. I quickly learned that not all recipes on Pinterest are good. So I would tweak the recipe to my liking, and then add it to my recipe box. I have been testing and tweaking recipes for about 10 years now. Some recipes never do make it to my recipe box as it was not a crowd favorite. As I have continued to collect recipes, and my love for cooking has grown, my dreams to own a small cafe have grown. But we all know the startup costs for this type of business can be very expensive and cooking out of my house is not legally an option. So I continued to cook for friends and family and dream of the day I can accomplish this.
Then one morning, I woke up with the idea of starting a food review blog for recipes. I wondered how many other people are cooking the same recipes I am, and tweaking the exact same recipe, or finding the same recipe that just turns out bland, but never cooking it again. Then, I started to Google food review blogs, and I could not find a lot of options. So this is where my idea blossomed for Recipes By Sugar. As I write this, I see countless people on Facebook asking for new recipes to try, which justifies my blog even more. I am so excited to share with you all my personal family recipes, and my reviews of other’s recipes. My hope is that others can find love in cooking like I do, and pass along a good meal to a friend or family member. I hope I can help meal planning for the week easier for every cook out there.
Have a recipe you want me to cook and review? Click here to submit a recipe on my contact page and I will write about it on Recipes By Sugar.